Job Good! Life Good!
The HeadHunter Group is an innovative Staffing and Recruiting Company operating in Albania, Kosovo, Montenegro, Macedonia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Serbia, Cyprus, Greece and USA. We offer the newest mentality in Staffing industry and our core business are Candidates and Clients. For our client a, well established international company for customer care is looking for:


Work tasks and responsibility

  • Customer advisor via e mail, chat and telephone
  • Processing of customer inquiries and ensuring customer satisfaction
  • Documentation of customer concerns in German

Required skills:

  • Excellent German spoken and written skills
  • Knowledge of English Language
  • Excellent communication skills
  • Flexibility
  • Sufficient Computer skills (MS Office)
  • Good communication skills
  • Ability to work with minimal supervision
  • Team player
  • Flexible

We are offering you:

  • Excellent working conditions
  • Full-time employment
  • Possibility for remote work (work from home)
  • Modern online communication 
  • Great earning opportunities salary + bonuses
  • Full training provided

Offer / Salary: Competitive

NOTE: This job description is not intended to be all-inclusive. The employee may perform other related duties as negotiated to meet the ongoing needs of the organization.

Are you interested in a new challenge in an innovative company? Have you answered well our questions related this position? Then we look forward to getting to know you and offer to you a very innovative challenge that will change your life forever! The interested candidates are invited to send their application documents (a Cover Letter and a CV in English) at: if you have any technical questions related the application, please, contact directly Mrs. Julijana Minovska on mobile no. +389 71 370 151 (Monday – Friday).

Try The HeadHunter for your success!
Believe your career to the ONLY professionals!

Please be informed that only the candidates selected for the interviews shall be contacted. Name your CV in the following format (name [space] surname [space] CV). Be easily recognized!


Job Good! Life Good!
The HeadHunter Group is an innovative Staffing and Recruiting Company operating in Albania, Kosovo, Montenegro, Macedonia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Serbia, Cyprus, Greece and USA. We offer the newest mentality in Staffing industry and our core business are Candidates and Clients. For our client LIDL, German international discount supermarket chain that operates over 12,000 stores across Europe and the United States, we are looking for:


The objective of the reference position is the cooperation within the real estate management portfolio. Implementation of construction projects in compliance with the international requirements and in accordance with the company’s goals and the principles of simplicity and profitability.

The position holder is obliged to comply with legal provisions, in particular the building regulations, the legal requirements and the occupational safety regulations.

Key responsibilities:

Activities in the area of construction

  • Calls for tender of design services, contacting and leading design teams during the design of the sites, in coordination with the Real Estate Manager and in accordance with the Construction Directive (BauRL);
  • Supervision of the construction of sites (construction phase) to ensure proper implementation of the construction specifications and other requirements; participation in construction progress meetings with designers and lead contractors; implementation of the relevant requirements of the construction directives (BauRL);
  • Disposition of the inventory equipment related to the buildings (e.g. refrigerated displays, etc.), according to the arrangements for conditions and planograms, coordinated with the Restructuring Manager / Goods Arrangement Manager; making the necessary registrations (e.g. telephone, etc.);
  • Acceptance of the construction site and preparation of an acceptance certificate together with the Head of Real Estate and in accordance with the construction directives;
  • Handing over the site to the FM department together with a certificate, coordinating and conducting briefings and trainings on technical means, handing over keys and providing clarification regarding the concluded/existing service and maintenance contracts;
  • Monitoring for construction defects from the beginning to the expiration of the warranty period, as well as conducting inspections in connection with the warranty liability;
  • Assistance and support in the reorganisation of the branches, management and leadership of the process in accordance with the construction directives;

Invoice verification activities

  • Checking the substance and completeness of the data of invoices received via the “Easy-Workflow” system;
  • Verifying that the types and categories of costs are correctly set;

In addition to the above tasks, the position holder is obliged, when directed to do so by the direct supervisor, to perform certain activities that might arise out of the company’s needs.

Key Qualifications and competences:

  • University degree – Construction Engineer, Architect
  • English language –good knowledge
  • German language – good knowledge would be advantage;
  • The position holder must have at least minimum initial professional experience.
  • The position holder must have at least minimum initial experience in working with project
  • The position holder must be prepared to change his workplace within the country if necessary.
  • The position holder must allow at least 50% travel.
  • The position holder must hold a driving license and must be an active driver.
  • Change formation / management – Willingness to learn, desire to reorganize, Flexibility in thinking and acting, critical thinking
  • Focus on excellence – Self-initiative, achievement-oriented work, quality awareness, maintaining work efficiency
  • Entrepreneurial actions – Building long-term relationships with customers, responsibility, recognition of opportunities for optimization and organization
  • Results orientation – Ability to take decisions, ability to priorities, organizational skills
  • Understanding facts and relationships- Ability to solve problems, cost-benefit thinking
  • Communication skills – Providing information, presentation skills, ability to persuade
  • Cooperation – Relationship management, teamwork, willingness to compromise, reliability
  • Dealing with conflict situations – Respect for other people’s opinions and motives, ability to assert oneself

What can you expect from the position?

  • international experience
  • cooperation with dynamic and experienced team
  • being always challenged to reach for more
  • training abroad 6-24 months  


NOTE: This job description is not intended to be all-inclusive. Employee may perform other related duties as negotiated to meet the ongoing needs of the organization.

The interested candidates are invited to APPLY ONLINE and send your application document (CV in English). If you have any technical questions related the application, please, contact Ms. Julijana Minovska directly on +38971 370 151 (Monday – Friday) or sent an e mail at: 

Try The HeadHunter for your success!
Believe your career to the ONLY professionals!

Please be informed that only the candidates selected for the interviews shall be contacted. Name your CV in the following format (name [space] surname [space] CV). Be easily recognized!


Job Good! Life Good!

The HeadHunter Group, е иновативна компанија за вработување и регрутација, со свои канцеларии во Македонија, Албанија, Косово, Црна Гора, Босна и Херцеговина, Србија, Кипар, Грција и САД. Ние нудиме највисок менталитет во менаџментот на човечки ресурси и нашата основна дејност се кадровски решениа за барателите на работа и работодавачите.

За потребите на нашиот клиент, ALUMIL Group, една од најголемите индустрии за производство на алуминиум и алуминиумски системи во Европа, присутна во 45 земји, бараме:


Опис на работното место

Поддршка, обука и комуникација со архитекти, консултанти, инженери, јавни канцеларии и инвеститори, со цел промовирање и понуда на системите на Алумил во нивните проекти

Неопходни компетенции

  • Дипломиран архитект
  • Напредни познавања на MS Office и AUTOCAD (2D и 3D)
  • Напредни познавања на англиски јазик
  • Предност ќе имаат кандидати со познавање на албански јазик
  • Возачка дозвола B категорија

Главни одговорности и задачи

  • Подршка на архитекти, консултанти, инженери со изнаоѓање најдобри решенија за нивните проекти преку:
  • Постојана посета на архитекти, консултанти, инженери, јавни канцеларии
  • Посета на клиенти за техничка обука за тоа како функционираат новите системи и за надградбите на производите
  • Придонесува за зголемување на продажбата и профитот, со донесување нови проекти на компанијата
  • Соработка со остатокот од комерцијалниот тим на АЛУМИЛ за сите информации за проектите и процесите, неопходни за успешно спроведување на проектот во секоја област
  • Ефикасна поддршка за имплементација на проекти преку обезбедување детали за плановите на архитектите и целосна подршка до конечна реализација
  • Обука на архитекти, консултанти,инженери и комитенти за архитектонски решенија на Алумил
  • Соработка со продукт менаџери за развој на нови решенија / системи засновани на потребите на пазарот
  • Работа во CRM
  • Учествo во процесот на сертифицирање на производите на Алумил од страна на локалните власти
  • Подготовка и ажурирање на техничките презентации и спецификации

Дополнителни вештини

  • Способност да ја претставува компанијата, нејзините производи и услуги
  • Способност да ги разбере потребите на клиентите за тие да бидат целосно исполнети, користејќи што е можно поразновиден асортиман на производи
  • Способност да се обезбедат иновативни, технички одговори на специфични барања на клиенти
  • Комуникациски вештини, самоиницијативност, одржување фокус и висок степен на точност
  • Работа под притисок

Понуда/Плата :  Компетитивна

Заинтересираните кандидати ги покануваме да аплицираат ! Доколку имате прашања  поврзани со апликациите, контактирајте ја Ѓ-ѓа Јулијана Миновска на +389 071 370 151 (Понеделник-Петок) или испратете email на најдоцна до 07 Јуни 2021.

Пробајте го Head Hunter за вашиот успех!
Доверете ја вашата кариера на ВИСТИНСКИТЕ професионалци!

Ве молиме бидете информирани дека само кандидатите селектирани за интервју ќе бидат контактирани. При аплицирање напомнете ја позицијата за која аплицирате


Job Good! Life Good!
The HeadHunter Group is an innovative Staffing and Recruiting Company operating in Albania, Kosovo, Montenegro, Macedonia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Serbia, Cyprus, Greece and USA. We offer the newest mentality in Staffing industry and our core business are Candidates and Clients. For its Client, a one of the largest chains, authorized retailer and service provider of Apple products, is looking for:


(North Macedonia, Albania and Kosovo)

You will be responsible for growing POS sales with developing and maintaining best in class customer experience for Apple customers within Retail partner POS (Retail channel – Apple Authorized Resellers)

Key responsibilities:

  • Sales results on POS level
  • implementing POS programs & maintaining POS merchandising
  • training POS staff & organizing all training related as per needs
  • building and maintaining excellent relationship with Partners on POS and Account level
  • cooperating with other needed departments at all levels Partner/Apple/Apcom
  • ensuring compliance with Apcom/Apple/partner agreements
  • other connected to the position and current needs
  • the position is field position and requiring traveling to POS in mentioned countries (average 3 days a week – could change if needs change)

Reporting to Apple Retail Account Executive (North Macedonia, Albania and Kosovo).

Key qualifications:

  • Familiar with Apple products
  • Close to Apple philosophy – he/she can identify with it – enthusiastic about Apple products
  • Experience in sales in and retail
  • Sales driven and has proven successful background in sales demonstration skills
  • Great communication skills with ability to communicate with multi-level personnel
  • At least 2-3 years’ experience in similar role (no need to be connected to consumer electronics, it is very welcome also from other)
  • You are proficient in English and, Macedonian Language
  • driving license and car are required

Required profile:

  • respectful to others
  • honest
  • passionate at what you do
  • proactive in wanting to make things better & do extra mile to achieve it
  • sales oriented with reaching for stars
  • analytical
  • brand oriented, with passion towards Apple

What can you expect from the position?

  • international experience within a group of 70 companies
  • cooperation with dynamic and experienced team and local retail partners
  • being always challenged to reach for more
  • traveling
  • working with best brand in the world – Apple


NOTE: This job description is not intended to be all-inclusive. Employee may perform other related duties as negotiated to meet the ongoing needs of the organization.

The interested candidates are invited to APPLY ONLINE and send your application document (CV in English). If you have any technical questions related the application, please, contact Ms. Julijana Minovska directly on +38971 370 151 (Monday – Friday) or sent an e mail at: 

Try The HeadHunter for your success!
Believe your career to the ONLY professionals!

Please be informed that only the candidates selected for the interviews shall be contacted. Name your CV in the following format (name [space] surname [space] CV). Be easily recognized!


Job Good! Life Good!

The HeadHunter Group, е иновативна компанија за вработување и регрутација, со свои канцеларии во Македонија, Албанија, Косово, Црна Гора, Босна и Херцеговина, Србија, Кипар, Грција и САД. Ние нудиме највисок менталитет во менаџментот на човечки ресурси и нашата основна дејност се кадровски решениа за барателите на работа и работодавачите. За потребите на нашиот клиент Revlon Professional, бараме:


 Опис на работното место:

  • Подготовка и внес на фактури
  • Изготвување на извештаи
  • Водење на социјални медиуми
  • Вклученост во процесот на увози
  • Организација на семинари и обуки за потребите на компанијата
  • Административни активности и обврски

Потребни квалификации:

  • Минимум средно образование
  • Најмалку 5 години работно искуство (предност: доколку искуството е во продажни компании)
  • Предност е познавање и работа во софтверот Пантеон (Pantheon)
  • Познавање и работа со Microsoft Office апликациите
  • Комуникативност, исполнителност, одговорност, лојалност
  • Проактивен и професионален пристап во работата
  • Способност за работа во тим и во динамична средина
  • Возачка дозвола Б категорија

Компанијата нуди:

  • Нето плата од 30.000 денари
  • Месечни бонуси и награди за работна успешност
  • Работно време од 08:30 до 16:30 часот од понеделник до петок
  • Можности за индивидуален напредок во работата и усовршување преку дополнителни обуки и тренинзи

Заинтересираните кандидати ги покануваме да аплицираат! Доколку имате прашања  поврзани со апликациите, контактирајте ја Ѓ-ѓа Јулијана Миновска на +389 71 370 151 (Понеделник-Петок) или испратете email на до 25.05.2021

Пробајте го The HeadHunter за вашиот успех!
Доверете ја вашата кариера на ВИСТИНСКИТЕ професионалци!

Ве молиме бидете информирани дека само кандидатите селектирани за интервју ќе бидат контактирани. При аплицирање напомнете ја позицијата за која аплицирате


Job Good! Life Good!

The HeadHunter Group, е иновативна компанија за вработување и регрутација, со свои канцеларии во Македонија, Албанија, Косово, Црна Гора, Босна и Херцеговина, Србија, Кипар, Грција и САД. Ние нудиме највисок менталитет во менаџментот на човечки ресурси и нашата основна дејност се кадровски решениа за барателите на работа и работодавачите.

Хедхантер за потребите на клиент, интернационална градежна компанија, бара:


Работни задачи и одговорности:

  • Книжење и контирање на сметководствена документација врзана за трансакции во земјата и во странство
  • Изготвување на план за плаќања кој гарантира ликвидност
  • Изготвување на пресметки за плати
  • Водење на сметководствена евиденција
  • Подготовка на извештаи за потребите на компанијата (за трошоци, парични текови, побарувања и обврски, инвестиции и сл.) и за државните институции, согласно законските прописи и барања
  • Ја контролира даночната евиденција
  • Учествува во изготвување на завршни сметки
  • Координација со сите клучни засегнати страни
  • Следење и примена на законска регулативи и сметководствени стандарди
  • Административно работење поврзано со деловните активности на компанијата
  • Останати работни задачи по налог на претпоставениот


  • Диплома од завршен Економски факултет, предност е насока сметководство, ревизија или финансии.
  • Поседување на активна лиценца за овластен сметководител.
  • Познавање на работа со компјутер (MS Office, ERP системи) и сметководствен програм за книжење.
  • Познавање на законската регулатива и нејзино активно следење, задолжителни посети на семинари/обуки/запознавање со новините, измени и дополнувања на закони
  • Задолжително работно искуство најмалку 5 години како сметководител и сметководствено-финансиска оператива, подготовка на завршна сметка пожелно во градежен сектор.

Понуда/Плата : Компетитивна

Заинтересираните кандидати ги покануваме да аплицираат ! Доколку имате прашања поврзани со апликациите, контактирајте ја Ѓ-ѓа Јулијана Миновска на +389 71 370 151 (Понеделник-Петок) или пратете мејл на до 04 Мај 2021.

Пробајте го Хедхантер за вашиот успех!
Доверете ја вашата кариера на ВИСТИНСКИТЕ професионалци!
Ве молиме бидете информирани дека само кандидатите селектирани за интервју ќе бидат контактирани. При аплицирање напомнете ја позицијата за која аплицирате

Сениор JAVA или KOTLIN програмер (предност на KOTLIN)

Job Good! Life Good!

The HeadHunter Group, е иновативна компанија за вработување и регрутација, со свои канцеларии во Македонија, Албанија, Косово, Црна Гора, Босна и Херцеговина, Србија, Кипар, Грција и САД. Ние нудиме највисок менталитет во менаџментот на човечки ресурси и нашата основна дејност се кадровски решениа за барателите на работа и работодавачите.

За потребите на нашиот клиент IT компанија специјализирана за развој на софтвер, бараме:

Сениор JAVA или KOTLIN програмер (предност на KOTLIN)

  • Солидно познавање на Java 8 или понова верзија на програмскиот јазик, бонус познавање на Kotlin
  • Солидно познавање на Spring Boot framework за веб базирани апликации
  • Искуство во работа со релациони бази, предност има искуство со PostgreSQL
  • Професионално разговорно познавање на Англиски јазик
Бонус барања:
  • Искуство со JPA и JPQL
  • Искуство со градење на GraphQL API-ја

Услови за работа:

  • Можност за работење од дома и по завршувањето на пандемијата (но постои и канцелариски простор доколку имате потреба)
  • Флексибилно работно време

Понуда/Плата :  Високо Компетитивна

Заинтересираните кандидати ги покануваме да аплицираат! Доколку имате прашања  поврзани со апликациите, контактирајте ја Ѓ-ѓа Јулијана Миновска на +389 71 370 151 (Понеделник-Петок) или испратете email на

Пробајте го Head Hunter за вашиот успех!
Доверете ја вашата кариера на ВИСТИНСКИТЕ професионалци!

Ве молиме бидете информирани дека само кандидатите селектирани за интервју ќе бидат контактирани. При аплицирање напомнете ја позицијата за која аплицирате


Job Good! Life Good!
The HeadHunter Group is an innovative Staffing and Recruiting Company operating in Albania, Kosovo, Montenegro, Macedonia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Serbia, Cyprus, Greece and USA. We offer the newest mentality in Staffing industry and our core business are Candidates and Clients. For our client LIDL, German international discount supermarket chain that operates over 12,000 stores across Europe and the United States, we are looking for:


The objective of the reference position is to ensure operational information security in cooperation with the IT compliance officer, compliance with the data protection principles in the defined area of responsibility, as well as quality. In addition, the position holder shall be responsible for providing the IT infrastructure (hardware and software) necessary for the functioning of the systems in all locations of the company in accordance with the SIT standards and rules, as well as for providing second-level support to the first-level support at the service desk department to ensure the fastest possible elimination of any problems. Furthermore, transparency must be ensured through the preparation of regular reports and the provision of operational indicators.

Key responsibilities:

Infrastructure / Technology

  • Preparation and commissioning (installation and configuration) of the necessary hardware infrastructure (data centers, networks, servers/storages, user systems)
  • IT infrastructure planning at the Head Office, Regional Companies and branches (server rooms, power supplies, cabling, active infrastructure components)
  • Introduction and control of technical requirements for data protection compliance and ensuring operational IT security.


  • Undertaking regular administrative, control and other operational tasks to ensure a failure-free operation of the infrastructure and continuous optimisation of the entrusted infrastructure.
  • Qualified problem analysis and support (2nd-Level-Support), with on-call duty outside the standard working hours, also at weekends and holidays.
  • Identifying problems/causes and deriving improvement measures and methods to solve the problem.
  • Planning and implementation of changes (ITIL@LiDL Change Management) and patch management within the area of responsibility.
  • Assisting in the planning of releases and patch management within the area of responsibility.
  • Involvement in the capacity planning process by creating forecasts of the future resource needs of the entrusted systems

IT project support

  • Assisting in the implementation of projects and the accompanying implementation of IT services in the day-to-day IT operations.
  • Conception and implementation of projects
  • Managing the IT part of technical projects in accordance with the SIT standards and rules for project management 
  • Responsibility for the costs in the partial project
  • Responsibility for implementation within the set time limit/period
  • Regular preparation of project status reports.

Evaluation and documentation

  • Conducting regular, systematic evaluations for the purposes of quality assurance and performance management
  • Deriving and providing key indicators for effective operational management.
  • Development, updating and further development of documentation, operational manuals, process flows and the knowledge base.

Key Qualifications and competences:

  • University degree
  • At least 2 years of professional experience on same or similar positions
  • The position holder must have initial experience with projects.
  • English language –good knowledge
  • German language – basic knowledge;
  • Change formation / management – Willingness to learn, desire to reorganize, Flexibility in thinking and acting, critical thinking
  • Focus on excellence – Self-initiative, achievement-oriented work, quality awareness, maintaining work efficiency
  • Entrepreneurial actions – Building long-term relationships with customers, responsibility, recognition of opportunities for optimization and organization
  • Results orientation – Ability to take decisions, ability to priorities, organizational skills
  • Understanding facts and relationships- Ability to solve problems, cost-benefit thinking
  • Communication skills – Providing information, presentation skills, ability to persuade
  • Cooperation – Relationship management, teamwork, willingness to compromise, reliability
  • Dealing with conflict situations – Respect for other people’s opinions and motives, ability to assert oneself

What can you expect from the position?

  • international experience
  • cooperation with dynamic and experienced team
  • being always challenged to reach for more
  • training abroad 6-9 months  


NOTE: This job description is not intended to be all-inclusive. Employee may perform other related duties as negotiated to meet the ongoing needs of the organization.

The interested candidates are invited to APPLY ONLINE and send your application document (CV in English). If you have any technical questions related the application, please, contact Ms. Julijana Minovska directly on +38971 370 151 (Monday – Friday) or sent an e mail at: 

Try The HeadHunter for your success!
Believe your career to the ONLY professionals!

Please be informed that only the candidates selected for the interviews shall be contacted. Name your CV in the following format (name [space] surname [space] CV). Be easily recognized!


Job Good! Life Good!
The HeadHunter Group is an innovative Staffing and Recruiting Company operating in Albania, Kosovo, Montenegro, Macedonia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Serbia, Cyprus, Greece and USA. We offer the newest mentality in Staffing industry and our core business are Candidates and Clients. For our Client Lidl, German international discount supermarket chain that operates over 12,000 stores across Europe and the United States, we are looking for:


The objectives of the position are the integration of international standard systems and standard processes, in accordance with the specific legal framework of the country as well as assisting the users at the branches, warehouses and the headquarters in their work with the systems (training and second-level support). This also covers compliance with and introduction of internationally defined SIT standards and rules.

Key responsibilities:

Systems management

  • Drawing up country-specific requirements and development of functional and technical specifications within the planned international releases and working in cooperation with the key users in the country
  • Drawing up user instructions and descriptions of the applications (translation)
  • Organising and delivering trainings
  • Project work and project development in cooperation with the international IT-Systems departments and integration of projects into the existing systems
  • Provision of qualified second-level support based on a defined service level
  • Optimisation of business processes at both international and country level by using appropriate technical solutions coordinated with IT-Systems INT
  • Key-user contact person from the specialised departments

Test management

  • Providing tests for integration when new/modified software modules are implemented, in accordance with the international testing methodology requirements
  • Maintaining a high quality of the software products used in the country


  • Development of national software products for which no standard international system exists  (national specifics or legislation), after prior coordination with programmers from the headquarters and compliance with the defined SIT standards and rules.
  • Involvement in the development of international software products in agreement with the Software Development Department at the Head Office.

In addition to the above tasks, the holder of the reference position is obliged, on the instructions of his direct supervisor, to perform certain activities that arise from the company’s needs.

Key Qualifications and competences:

  • University degree
  • At least 2 years of professional experience on same or similar positions
  • The position holder must have initial experience with projects.
  • English language –good knowledge
  • German language – basic knowledge;
  • Change formation / management – Willingness to learn, desire to reorganise, Flexibility in thinking and acting, critical thinking
  • Focus on excellence – Self-initiative, achievement-oriented work, quality awareness, maintaining work efficiency
  • Entrepreneurial actions – Building long-term relationships with customers, responsibility, recognition of opportunities for optimization and organization
  • Results orientation – Ability to take decisions, ability to priorities, organizational skills
  • Understanding facts and relationships- Ability to solve problems, cost-benefit thinking
  • Communication skills – Providing information, presentation skills, ability to persuade
  • Cooperation – Relationship management, teamwork, willingness to compromise, reliability
  • Dealing with conflict situations – Respect for other people’s opinions and motives, ability to assert oneself

What can you expect from the position?

  • international experience
  • cooperation with dynamic and experienced team
  • being always challenged to reach for more
  • training abroad 6-9 months  


NOTE: This job description is not intended to be all-inclusive. Employee may perform other related duties as negotiated to meet the ongoing needs of the organization.
The interested candidates are invited to APPLY ONLINE and send your application document (CV in English). If you have any technical questions related the application, please, contact Ms. Julijana Minovska directly on +38971 370 151 (Monday – Friday) or sent an e mail at: 

Try The HeadHunter for your success!
Believe your career to the ONLY professionals!

Please be informed that only the candidates selected for the interviews shall be contacted. Name your CV in the following format (name [space] surname [space] CV). Be easily recognized!


Job Good! Life Good!
The HeadHunter Group is an innovative Staffing and Recruiting Company operating in Albania, Kosovo, Montenegro, Macedonia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Greece and USA. We offer the newest mentality in Staffing industry and our core business are Candidates and Clients.  For our Client we are looking for:


Work tasks and responsibility

  • contact businesses, certain producers by different channels (mail, phone)
  • phone communication with suppliers, customers
  • describe the interest
  • obtain customer information
  • obtain possible customer leads
  • maintain customer/potential customer data bases
  • follow up on initial contacts
  • complete records of telephonic interactions, orders and accounts

Required skills:

  • Excellent English spoken skills (B2 at least)
  • Excellent communication skills
  • Flexibility
  • Strong phone contact handling skills and active listening
  • Sufficient Computer skills (MS Office)
  • Ability to work with minimal supervision
  • Team player
  • Flexible
  • Ability to multi-task, prioritize and manage time effectively
  • Knowledge of sales principles and methods
  • Proven track record in call – center sales

We are offering you:

  • Remote work
  • Full-time employment
  • Great earning opportunities

Offer / Salary: Competitive

NOTE: This job description is not intended to be all-inclusive. The employee may perform other related duties as negotiated to meet the ongoing needs of the organization.

Are you interested in a new challenge in an innovative company? Have you answered well our questions related this position? Then we look forward to getting to know you and offer to you a very innovative challenge that will change your life forever! The interested candidates are invited to send their application documents (a Cover Letter and a CV in English) at: if you have any technical questions related the application, please, contact directly Mrs. Julijana Minovska on mobile no. +389 71 370 151 (Monday – Friday)

Try The HeadHunter for your success!
Believe your career to the ONLY professionals!

Please be informed that only the candidates selected for the interviews shall be contacted. Name your CV in the following format (name [space] surname [space] CV). Be easily recognized