Staying Sane When Your Company Is Experiencing Layoffs

Sometimes, all it takes is an unfortunate turn of events for a company to go from thriving to struggling, and once that happens, layoffs are often inevitable.

Of course, the greatest victims of layoffs are none other than the folks whose jobs are eliminated. But being a layoff survivor, so to speak, isn’t exactly easy. After all, how are you supposed to go about your business as usual when each day brings another dose of bad news?

If your company is going through layoffs, it’s important to remain cool and levelheaded in the face of all that upheaval. Here are a few tricks that will help you do just that.

Focus on Your Day-to-Day Tasks

It’s easy enough to get distracted when your office is filled with closed-door meetings and rumors continuously abound. But you can ease some of your mental anguish by focusing your efforts on the things you need to get done each day. So dive into that research report, and hammer out your upcoming presentation as best as you can. The more time you spend thinking about your actual job, the less you’ll spend worrying about losing it.

Strategically Take on More Work 

The downside of working for a company going through layoffs is getting more work dumped on you as folks depart. The upside, however, is getting a real opportunity to buy yourself some job security. If you aim to take on new tasks that are crucial to your company’s operations, you’ll become more valuable, and your employer will have a harder time letting you go. So rather than waiting for other people’s work to land in your lap, volunteer for key tasks as they open up.

Boost Your Savings

The biggest problem with getting laid off is losing your income and not knowing when you’ll begin collecting a steady paycheck again. To help alleviate that concern, make an effort to sock away as much money as possible once your company starts letting people go. To achieve that goal, you’ll probably need to cut back on expenses or take on a side job to drum up some extra cash. But the more of a cushion you build, the less worrisome your loss of a paycheck will be. Incidentally, getting a second gig could be just the thing to buy yourself some additional peace of mind. This way, you know you have work to fall back on if you end up becoming a layoff victim yourself.

Network — But Only Outside Business Hours

When your company is going through layoffs and your role is precarious at best, the last thing you want to do is get caught tackling outside tasks during working hours. But when you’re not at your desk, you should make a point of reaching out to your various contacts and associates and seeing what openings might be available at their companies. If you manage to gather a number of leads, you’ll have options if the worst-case scenario at your company comes to be, so be sure to network as aggressively as you can.

Dealing with layoffs is never easy, so be kind to yourself during that period. Maybe you’ll end up hanging onto your job, or maybe you won’t. Just remember that there’s a world of opportunity out there, and if your company has become a sinking ship, getting let go may not be such a bad thing after all.

How to Deal With a Hostile Interviewer

Other than throwing a few curve balls to see how you react, most hiring managers and interviewers are quite pleasant throughout the interview process. Every now and then, however, you may encounter someone who’s rude, aggressive or downright mean — which means you’re forced to find a cordial way to respond in the moment.

Instead of letting this catch you off-guard, prepare for this potential situation, just as you would every other aspect of the interview. Keep these tips in mind as you head into your next interview, and you’ll be ready to ace it no matter what happens.

Keep Cool, Calm & Collected

When someone is being rude or aggressive towards you, your first instinct might be to go on the offense. Rather than fly off the handle, resist the urge to snap back and, instead, stay cool, calm and collected. Start by taking a quick breather to compose yourself, even if that means asking to take a quick bathroom break to splash some cool water on your face.

Sometimes, an interviewer will throw in one or two rude comments or questions as a way of testing how you react to the situation. The last thing you want to do is appear unable to deal with difficult situations should they arise in the workplace. This is your chance to prove you can handle anything. 

Don’t Take It Personally

When someone is abrasive or rude, it’s helpful to remember that even the nicest people have bad days. Perhaps your interviewer is under a lot of pressure from their boss to find the perfect candidate. Or maybe she or he is experiencing hardship in their personal life.

Even if it feels like the hostility is directed towards you, chances are it’s not. Rather than take their abrasiveness personally, stick to your game plan and answer each question calmly and confidently. Take that bathroom break if you have to and come back ready to proceed and show your most gracious self.

Engage Them in Conversation

If something they say comes off as abrasive or hostile, use it as an opportunity to turn the conversation around. When the spotlight is on them, and you ask questions that show you care, their attitude may quickly turn from negative to positive. Why? Because people love talking about themselves. According to Scientific American, the reason for this is simple: it feels good.

If you’re feeling stuck in this moment, rely on these quick and easy questions to get your interviewer talking about themselves while learning more about the company:

  • How long have you worked at the company? 
  • What values and/or qualities made you choose this company?
  • What’s your favorite part about working at the company?

Don’t Be Afraid to Walk Away

While irritating and unprofessional, a few rude comments are likely a manageable aspect of what might be an otherwise okay interview. However, what’s not acceptable is for someone to attack you personally or make you feel unsafe. If you feel threatened, don’t be afraid to walk away:

“If you feel threatened during your interview or the situation crosses a line, let the interviewer know you don’t think you’re a good fit for this position and dismiss yourself from the situation. If you make it to the end of the interview, do your best to remain polite and leave with confidence. If you’d like to follow-up about the interview tactics or feel as though the interviewer crossed a line, consider following up with the company’s human resource department,”

You can also file a complaint with The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission if you felt threatened or offended based on your being part of a protected class.

Dealing With a Hostile Interviewer

Having an interviewer who’s rude, hostile or aggressive can easily throw even the best, most experienced job candidates off their game. Rather than getting flustered and frustrated, use the tips and tricks above to help you stick to your game plan and land the job. If it gets to the point of harassment or you’re being personally attacked, it may be wise to walk away and follow up with someone else at the company. Use your best judgment and stay calm until it’s no longer feasible to do so and you’ll prove that you can handle any situation

3 Ways to Avoid Leaving a New Job for a Better Offer

Having long stints on your resume is a nice plus. It shows your level of commitment.But staying in one place for years isn’t an option for everyone. In fact, 25 percent of millennials surveyed said they expected to move to a new job within 12 months.

Leaving as quickly as I did, however, could be avoided. You don’t want to create the impression that you’re not a committed person, and you don’t want to leave wreckage in your wake.

1. Sync Up Your Job Interviews and Be Transparent About Them

When looking for employment, applying and interviewing for multiple jobs simultaneously is ideal. This puts you in a better position to make informed comparisons between offers. Be prepared for some companies’ hiring processes to move slower. That’s partly why I ended up in the position I did.

Also, your interviewers might ask if you’re applying for other jobs. They’re trying to read your urgency. Saying yes (if that’s the case) tells them that they might need to act faster to bring you on board.

2. Alert Your First-Choice Company Before Accepting a Job Elsewhere

You’ll want to avoid the perception that you’re leveraging one offer for another, but try to remain open and honest during the process. If your preferred company is slower to make an offer, tell them about the less desirable offer you have on the table.

Typically if the company is serious about the candidate, they will speed up their internal processes,” If they don’t, you’ll have your answer about where you’re truly wanted.

3. Thoroughly Vet a Company Before Accepting

Treat your next series of job interviews as if you’re the interviewer. Ace the hiring manager’s questions, sure, but carve out as much time as possible to ask your own. Learn about the company’s workplace dynamic, people and internal struggles. You might also consider spending a day shadowing colleagues in the office to get a better sense of how you’d fit.

When Leaving a Job Quickly Is Unavoidable

If your situation is unavoidable, you can cut the cord on a new job, risking the fallout. But you might also consider a less damaging workaround.

“Ask your future employer to give you some more time” “Tell them about your situation and that you’d like to stay with your current company for a couple [of] extra months to avoid any negative feelings or backlash.”

It’s not a perfect solution, but let’s face it: There’s no perfect solution for this predicament. Being transparent with your current and prospective companies can stop you from blindsiding them. Just make sure you protect your interests in the process and end up at the job that’s best for your situation.

Politics in the Workplace: Do You Need a Policy?

With the 2020 election quickly approaching, it’s more likely than ever that political talk will make its way into the office. It is HR’s responsibility to ensure that the workplace remains a safe, open environment for all employees, regardless of their political leanings.

A new survey, conducted online by The Harris Poll among over 1,200 employed adults, reveals that while U.S. employees prefer to keep politics out of work, most find they nevertheless still engage in political conversations in the workplace.

Here are the findings:

  • 3 in 5 employees (60%) believe discussing politics at work is unacceptable.
  • More than 1 in 4 U.S. employees say colleagues want them to flip parties
  • 24% of Republican employees and 23% of Democrat employees would not want to work with a co-worker who plans to vote for a presidential candidate they don’t like in the next election.
  • 60% of employees believe discussing politics at work could negatively impact their career opportunities.
  • 54% of employees believe companies should encourage their employees to vote or be politically active outside of work.
  • 67% of employees would apply to work at a company that actively supports a political party different from their own

Furthermore, recent data from the Illinois Technology Association found 79% of respondents’ companies do not have a policy in place around communicating about politics at work. HR may find themselves having to consider if creating a policy is the right move for their company.

“There’s a lot of opportunity for companies to get out ahead of potentially sticky situations with some thoughtful guidelines for respectful political dialogue in the workplace,” says Julia Kanouse, CEO of ITA. “For example, a policy that prohibits the display or distribution of political materials, will keep political affiliations more private and might help keep conversations more neutral.”

For those of you in HR who are passionate about the 2020 election, here are a few dos and don’ts for talking politics in the office.


1. Know Your Audience.
Before launching into a conversation about politics at work, it’s best to do a check-in with those around you to see if your colleagues are willing to have a light conversation. Get a clear sense of who you’re engaging with and make the conversation optional.

2. Engage in Curious Dialogue
Approach the conversation with genuine curiosity, instead of looking for an argument. If you’re trying to start a conversation with a colleague whose perspective you know to be different than your own, come from a place of curiosity. Consider saying, “I know we’re probably on opposite sides of the issue, and I’m really curious about what you think.”

3. Politely Leave Tense Conversations
If you are wary of political conversations or if you sense that a conversation is veering off course, it’s important to have a palette of language that you can use to exit conversations you don’t want to participate in. Consider saying, “I’ve put myself on a news break. I need to step away sometimes as it’s refreshing to get a hiatus.” Alternatively, you can say, “This is an important conversation, but I’m not sure it’s right for me.”

Politely leave conversations that you don’t want to be involved in, and respect others’ needs as well, especially if you know that a colleague is not open to these kinds of conversations. Respect is the key to making this work.

4. Focus On Common Ground
While you and your co-workers may not always agree on politics, you probably have core values that you share. Get back to those basics that bind you together. While you may not agree on the party or candidate that you support, you may find common ground on your shared support of Veterans, for example. Work with your colleagues on a project that reminds you that you’re all in this together. Because, despite your differences, you are.


1. Allow Derogatory or Disrespectful Comments
Politics can be a very hot topic this year, however, it is completely possible to have a conversation that is respectful and honest without it becoming nasty. If you are going to engage in a political conversation at work, keep the conversation respectful and do not engage in slander, derogatory language or disrespectful comments.

If a disagreement turns into personalized attacks, the best course of action is to try saying something like, “The tone of the conversation is not appropriate for work and it’s no longer heading in a good direction. Let’s get back to work.”

2. Use Work Communication Tools to Promote Your Political Beliefs
In the era of Slack, Google Hangouts and Jive, it can be easy to share an article about the upcoming election or your favorite (or not so favorite) candidate. However, this can be problematic for your colleagues. Creating a safe and secure work environment is paramount, and political conversations on the company Slack channel can make team members feel alienated or attacked.

3. Demonize the Opposing Views
Politics can be very personal and many people tend to hold tight to their beliefs. However, when emotions run high it’s imperative not to demean or vilify those who may hold views that differ from yours. There are consequences to alienating your colleagues who you work with every day. After all, any conversation or behavior that distracts from productivity and cohesion doesn’t belong at the office.

Inappropriate Interview Questions and How To Tackle Them Like a Pro

As if the interview process wasn’t anxiety-ridden enough, job seekers must stay vigilant for the occasional inappropriate question. We’re not talking about the blatant, jaw-drop-inducing questions that will make you want to run out the door. No, instead, we’re referring to the subtly awkward questions that make you furrow your brow in confusion.

Here are eight examples of subtly inappropriate interview questions that should cause you to raise an eyebrow of concern. But, because you’re a pro who is prepared, you’ll be equipped with expert advice for how to handle anything that comes your way.

Example #1: “Many of our employees are young guys who put in 14 hours days. Are you up for that kind of challenge?”

Why It Is Inappropriate: Any questions that dig into your age, race, national origin, gender, religion, marital status and sexual orientation are off-limits per state and federal recommendations.

How to Handle: While it is against the law for a recruiter or hiring manager to ask your age, job search expert for The Balance Alison Doyle says, “Hiring managers are allowed to ask whether you can handle the workload and the schedule. When responding, you can leave the age part out and discuss how you’ve worked in the past, what type of schedule was involved, and explain how you can handle the challenges of this role. Remember, if long hours aren’t what you’re looking for you don’t have to take the job if you get an offer.”

Example #2: “Congratulations on returning to the workforce. Given your family, do you need a flexible schedule? Are you planning to have more children?”

Why It Is Inappropriate: A question about family should be a no-no but, alas, a naive interviewer, or worse, one that does not value women in the workplace may still ask them.

How to Handle: “A polite way to respond to questions about children is to answer that you’ll be able to perform all the duties of the position,” says Doyle. “It’s answering with a non-answer, but this can be more diplomatic than refusing to answer. The interviewer may not be aware that they shouldn’t ask, and it’s best to keep the conversation positive and focused on your qualifications and skills.” While many parents may be tempted to discuss flexible work schedules in an initial round of interviews, Doyle cautions against jumping the gun. “It’s better to stay that you’re available to work the normal schedule for the job than it is to ask for flexibility this early in the hiring process.”

Example #3: “When did you graduate from college?”

Why It Is Inappropriate: This one is a roundabout way that some interviewers try to hone in on a candidate’s age. Don’t fall for it.

How to Handle: “If you’re asked interview questions about when you graduated or your age, you have a few options for responding. You could answer the question, even though it shouldn’t be asked, if you think that your response won’t hinder your chances of getting a job offer,” advises Doyle. “Another tactic is to deflect the question and say that when you graduated won’t impact your ability to perform on the job. A third option is to mention you’d be glad to answer, but you’re not sure why the interviewer needs to know. That could get you out of giving a direct response. At the least, you’ll discover why you were asked and can opt to respond – or not.”

Example #4: “Where are you from?”

Why It Is Inappropriate: In addition to this question being uncomfortable and completely unnecessary, state and federal laws make discrimination based on citizenship, national origin, arrest and conviction record, and military discharge status illegal.

How to Handle: “Often, the interviewer doesn’t realize they’re asking something that is illegal and could be perceived as offensive. It’s no excuse, but they may think they’re just making friendly conversation,” says career coach Angela Copeland. While some experts would advice job seekers to confront the interviewer, Copeland offers an alternative. “It’s more important that you note the question in your mind than exactly how you answer. After the interview, take the time to think back. Was the hiring manager biased? Would you really want to work for them? When it comes to responding to a question about where you’re from, try an answer that’s a bit vague, such as, ‘I’ve lived in a number of different cities, but I’ve been in San Francisco for five years. It’s great!’”

Example #5: “How can my company be better at recruiting people of color?”

Why It Is Inappropriate: While it may be sincere, this question is inappropriate because of the timing. A job interview is not the time for a hiring manager to get input on his or her diversity recruitment strategy, and a candidate should not be obliged to answer simply because they may be an ethnic minority.

How to Handle: “In the moment, it can be best to try to move through this potential pitfall as gracefully as possible. But, afterward, take the time to reflect on your feelings and whether or not this is someone you want to work for,” advises Copeland. “A potential answer to this uncomfortable question might be, ‘You know, I don’t have much experience in recruiting, since I’m an engineer, but I’m so glad to hear you value diversity.’ Answer the question quickly so the conversation will move to something more relevant.”

Example #6: “Tell me about your disability and how it has shaped you?”

Why It Is Inappropriate: The Americans with Disabilities Act makes it illegal for employers to discriminate against qualified job applicants and employees based on their physical or mental disabilities. This includes asking questions about a candidate’s disability.

How to Handle: “If this happens to you, try something such as, ‘I think what you’re trying to get at is how well I’ll do in this role. I have to tell you, my past experience in project management perfectly aligns to what you’re looking for. I’m incredibly committed, and so excited at the opportunity to help you and the company move forward with this project,’” says Copeland. “Think of the way politicians on TV answer questions. Answer the question you wish they’d asked. Turn their question on its side a little, and explain again why you’d be a great fit. But, don’t forget to take a mental note.” Whether a question crosses the line is a personal and subjective decision. “If the hiring manager does ask you something illegal, just remember, they’re giving you a heads up that they’re probably not someone you want to work for. It’s much better to know now, than a few months into a new job.”

Can You Lose Your Job Because of Coronavirus Fears?

On top of everything else we worry about in the workplace – job performance, meeting deadlines, making sales, etc. – we now have the coronavirus. Many of us, and especially those who work in very public places like airports, hospitals and hotels, wonder what might happen to our jobs if we avoided the workplace or were quarantined.  Can you — legally — take time off simply because you’re afraid of catching the virus? 

Time off? Work from home?

Just because you’re scared of the Coronavirus, even with good cause (e.g., you work at the airport or in a hospital), you could be out of a job if you don’t show up for work. From a medical leave standpoint, there’s no legal right to miss work unless you’ve actually been exposed to the disease, which means you’re probably under quarantine or in isolation. 

Your best bet, should you dread going to work, is to use accrued vacation time and stay home. Some employers’ sick policies may also cover this scenario, but many likely will not.  You could also ask your employer for a leave of absence, but don’t expect your request to be granted. Imagine what would happen if everybody took a leave of absence at the same time!  And in any event, the leave would likely be unpaid and unprotected – meaning, you are not legally protected from termination or other discipline for taking a leave to avoid contracting the Coronavirus.

Working from home is a different story. Assuming it doesn’t negatively impact work, your employer may be willing to let you telecommute to avoid exposure, but again, this is within the company’s discretion. 

What if you’re under quarantine?

Quarantines are precautionary measures intended to protect public safety. It doesn’t mean that you have the virus, just that you might have been exposed to it. But it also means you can’t go to work until the quarantine is lifted. 

There’s a chance you could be fired while under quarantine, but you can argue that your job should be protected under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), which provides up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave in a calendar year to care for your own or a family member’s “serious medical condition.” The amount of time available could be less if you’ve already taken FMLA leave during the year.  

If the FMLA doesn’t apply, you could try to argue that your job should be protected under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), which bars discrimination against a worker with disabilities, but the likelihood is slim that this would be upheld, given that you aren’t infected with the virus.What Employees & Employers Need to Know About the Coronavirus

What if you’re placed in isolation?

If you’ve been placed in isolation, it’s bad news/good news. Bad if you actually have the virus. Good because you have more job protection. If your Coronavirus infection qualifies as a disability under the ADA, you can’t be fired simply because you’re infected. As long as there’s a reasonable accommodation that doesn’t impose an undue hardship on your employer, such as working from home, then you probably can’t be fired because of the fact that you’re in isolation. To be covered by the ADA, you must have an impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities, such as walking, sitting or talking.

If, for some reason, the ADA doesn’t apply to your situation, there’s a remote chance that you could be fired if you’re unable to do your job while in isolation. (If, for example, your job requires you to be physically in the office, being in isolation means you can’t perform your job duties.) Depending on the circumstances, a leave of absence could qualify as a reasonable accommodation. If you make a full recovery and want to return to your job, your employer may require you to provide a doctor’s note clearing you to return to work.

The Bottom Line 

The Coronavirus is really scary, and it’s natural to be fearful. It’s also normal to look for ways to avoid exposure. The bottom line is that the law is unclear on whether your company could legally fire you for taking steps to protect yourself, even if you’ve been placed in isolation or under quarantine.   Maybe it’s time for the legislature to take action – because one thing is clear, the Coronavirus isn’t going away any time soon!

How to Be Productive Working from Home as a Parent

While many people initially saw the coronavirus as a health challenge limited to one region, it is quickly taking form as a major threat to the world economy. The disease has now affected nearly 100 countries and experts believe a recession could be on the horizon.

Research tracking employee and employer reaction to the coronavirus highlights some trends:

  • Job interviews are being delayed and canceled due to the coronavirus.
  • Employment is being delayed and canceled due to the coronavirus.
  • Jobs and salary cuts are already taking place due to the coronavirus.
  • Forward-thinking companies taking proactive measures by offering staff the option to work from home.

As more companies start to move towards the route of allowing employees to work from home while the coronavirus is being addressed, a major issue arises: how do you ensure peak productivity while working from home particularly as a parent? Below are some ideas:

Maximize Your Early Mornings and Late Nights

Depending on the nature of your work, and if it is allowed, one of your best productivity hacks as a parent working from home could be to take advantage of the wee hours of the day.

If your home is like the average home, your children would most likely be asleep late at night after a very stressful day and well into the morning. This means you should have time to yourself from around 9 – 10PM at night till about 7AM in the morning.

You can rearrange your schedule to allow you to work late at night for about two hours and early in the morning for about two hours as well.Since this reorganized schedule could cut into your sleep a bit, you should also consider taking regular afternoon naps.

Take Advantage of Productivity Apps and Tools

One of the biggest mistakes work from home parents tend to make is assuming that they can be productive by relying on their discipline and ability to naturally remember and flow into the next tasks at hand. Don’t make this mistake.

You might have good intentions but there is an overabundance of distractions to ensure you get nothing.Thankfully, there are tools, apps, and resources you can use to ensure you’re productive while working from home. Take advantage of these tools.

Some productivity apps and tools you might want to use include:

  • Evernote to help you organize tasks and keep track of your activities.
  • Todoist to help create tasks and todos and help you know which to prioritize using artificial intelligence.
  • Slack to help you collaborate with your team members and other people you’re working with all in one place without distractions that negatively impact your productivity.

There are many more productivity apps and tools you can use. Here’s an overview of the best productivity apps you can take advantage of as a work from home parent.

Carve Out Your Workspace and Have it Optimized for Productivity

You should also prepare for the psychological response of your kids to seeing mommy or daddy at home all day. 

All their life they’ve been conditioned to believe that you’re working when you go to the office and that you are free when you are at home. It’ll take some getting used to before they realize that your being at home this time around is more for work-related purpose than it is for play.

Firstly, carve out your workspace in your home and make the kids realize that whenever you’re there you’re most likely working. It could be the spare room, a portion of your room, or anywhere else, but it is important that it is carved out and different. Put your desk there and all other relevant work items and make it completely off-limits to everyone at home besides yourself.

Once your workspace has been carved out, make sure that your kids know to not play around it, and constantly send the message to them that when you’re there you’re at work and don’t want to be disturbed.

Secondly, besides making your kids realize that you’re at work whenever you are at your workspace, you should also optimize your workspace for productivity. You can do so many things to ensure your workspace is optimized for productivity:

  • Always dress corporately whenever you’re heading over to your workspace and avoid doing anything of a personal and leisurely nature there. This creates a psychological impression of your workspace being purely for work.
  • If possible, make sure there is as much natural light as possible coming into your workspace. Several studies have made a connection between the lighting of a working environment and workers’ productivity.
  • Try to ensure warm and optimal temperature for your work environment. A Cornell study found a positive correlation between office temperature and productivity; a warm office could practically double your productivity while a chilly office could cut it in half.
  • Pay special attention to the ergonomics of your workspace; things like ergonomic chairs and desks, footrests, and proper positioning of your computer and screen can go a long way to make you a lot more productive.

Keep the Kids Busy

This is where toys, gadgets, and friends come in.

Kids have much shorter attention spans than adults and, in instances like this, an overabundance of time. They also get bored really quickly. If there isn’t enough to keep their attention engaged, they’ll certainly have a lot more time for mommy or daddy.

The solution in this instance is to introduce as many interesting things as you can to keep them busy; this could be in the form of toys, gadgets, educational assignments and friends coming in.

Create Structure and Schedule for the Kids

We tend to believe that kids are naturally unstructured and prefer to be that way, but research shows quite the opposite. In fact, psychologists have found that kids prefer to have structure to having warmth from their parents.

Make it clear to your kids what the new reality is and why you’re working from home, then set clear rules about what they have to do daily and when. While it’ll take some time to get used to, and it will require some reinforcement, it is important to be firm about adhering to this new schedule.

How to Manage Teams When Working Remotely

Managing a remote team can require you to employ a different set of leadership skills, but it’s only partially a matter of productivity. It’s only human to want more than just checking off items on a to-do list – and to demand a deeper sense of accomplishment from the work we do. So, even if your operations are airtight, it’s critical to maintain regular, effective communication and nurture a shared sense of purpose with remote team members.

Here are the 5 ways you can build and manage a highly productive and happy remote team: 

Honor Regular One-on-Ones and Team Meetings

Avoid the temptation to treat 1:1 meetings with your team members or more formal touchbases with your whole team as moveable. To establish a sense of structure and framework, treat recurring meetings with remote workers as set in stone.

Embrace Real-Time Collaboration Apps

From Slack to Asana, there are many highly sophisticated applications that facilitate real-time collaboration. These platforms help keep remote workers from feeling like they’re in the dark on project status by providing visibility into relevant conversations, and they also keep workflow, dependencies and key milestones in check.

Establish Virtual Drop-In Hours

Use your video conferencing platform of choice to establish a virtual meeting room that allows people to pop in and out of live conversations with you in a way that resembles in-house stand-ups or drive-by chats. By making yourself accessible to your team in a more informal way, you can get all the productivity-boosting benefits of working side-by-side without being in the same physical location.

Turn On Your Video Cam

It can be tempting to sub in that polished headshot for an actual live broadcast, but it’s best to turn on your camera as much as possible. Especially when working remote, it’s key to get input from facial expressions and other non-verbal cues, and it also fosters a sense of connection and camaraderie that’s so important for any team.

Schedule Time to Blow Off Steam

 In-person team-building events are a luxury of proximity, but that doesn’t mean remote workers can’t bond. In our modern world, there are lots of ways to stay connected. Some ideas include a standing Friday afternoon virtual cocktail or kombucha date, a Slack channel dedicated to a shared team love of a fun reality show, or a regular meetup in a cooperative video game.

It takes a little extra dedication to stay connected when you’re not in actual physical proximity of your co-workers, team members and colleagues, but – with a little discipline and creativity in addition to cutting-edge technology – it is possible to keep both productivity and morale high.

Blockchain Is Revolutionizing The Hiring Process

Over the past few years, blockchain technology has advanced from a niche innovation that was admired by a few people in the tech scene into a monolithic market behemoth that everyone, everywhere is investing heavily in. Despite the fact that blockchain is becoming a common part of business operations everywhere, however, many managers and small business owners are completely unfamiliar with the impressive ways that blockchain is revolutionizing the hiring process.

The way that blockchain technology promises to thoroughly vet employees to help companies find the best workers possible is underappreciated right now. Here’s how blockchain is revolutionizing the hiring process as we know it, and where this technology is likely to go in the near future.

Hiring is ludicrously expensive

Anyone who’s gone through the arduous process of finding the most talented workers in your industry understands that hiring can be ludicrously expensive when it’s done right. This is because it’s a time-consuming process that demands a certain expertise, and those companies which end up cutting corners when it comes to hiring new talent usually fail sooner rather than later. Rather than allowing your business to wallow into insignificance because you can’t find the most talented workers for the job, it’s worth considering the ways that blockchain technology is helping employers find qualified individuals whose backgrounds can be thoroughly scrutinized with the help of blockchain.

Secure blockchain applications will soon have plenty of information about job candidates that employers can securely review, for instance, making the trustworthy verification of employment information a breeze for companies large and small alike. This is a huge boon to small businesses, who currently don’t have the resources or time to hire as extensively as many corporate empires do, so expect blockchain to help level the commercial playing field in the near-future. As blockchain continues to change the recruiting game, we’ll see specialty startups appear that are solely focused on helping companies leverage this technology to find the most qualified workers in their area.

Besides helping employers authenticate that job candidates are who they say they are, blockchain technology is also promising to revolutionize the hiring process by changing contracts. In the past, employers and employees arrived at a commercial agreement the old fashioned way, through ink and paper. In the near-future, though, we’ll witness the rise of smart contracts which can be created and updated in real time with the help of impressive blockchain services.

Some ambitious startups have already raised millions in their effort to make smart contracts a mainstream technology, so don’t be surprised if you see these debut in many industries sooner rather than later. While some companies may insist on doing things the old-fashioned way, it’s going to become increasingly obvious that smart contracts will be necessary to secure long-term arrangements with the most talented developers and specialists in the field of IT development.

Blockchain teams are needed

In order for most companies to tap into the power of blockchain technology, they need to assemble a team of dedicated experts who are familiar with the tech and have some sort of vision for how it can be leveraged for commercial gains in your niche market. Just because the blockchain revolution is taking the marketplace by storm doesn’t mean every company already knows how to assemble such teams, however, and many businesses are struggling right now thanks to a global talent shortage driven by an immense demand for blockchain services. Learning how to create an expert team will thus continue to be an important marker that separates the thriving blockchain businesses from the lackluster ones with no future to speak of.

Don’t think that you can turn to third-party expertise when it comes to assembling your team, either, as blockchain technology is also making the middleman a thing of the past when it comes to the hiring process. While many companies and aspiring startups have relied upon recruiting agencies for years, there are plenty of reasons to believe that blockchain services could cut the recruiter out of the equation for good. Similarly, workers will enjoy more authority over their own careers in the future thanks to blockchain, which will make it quicker and cheaper for everyone, everywhere to find a job.

The impressive ways that blockchain is removing intermediaries in the hiring process is perhaps the most notable way that it’s fundamentally disrupting and revolutionizing recruitment as we know it. This is so fundamentally important because of the savings it will generate for businesses, especially the aspiring blockchain startups that need to pinch as many pennies as possible to make ends meet. With recruiters a thing of the past and workers more capable of vouching for their credentials through blockchain services, the average time to hire will soon dip to historic new lows.

Managers and business owners must keep pace with change

If companies want to survive and thrive despite the tumultuous changes brought about by blockchain technology than managers and business owners must keep apace with change and learn more about blockchain services. Far too many professionals in senior positions have been outsourcing the entirety of their blockchain services to a third party so that they don’t have to master the technology themselves, for instance, which is a poor long-term investment for your company to make. 

Sometimes outsourcing is the appropriate method for blockchain development, but companies that are trying to develop their own services for hiring will want to know that it’s complicated when it comes to hiring versus outsourcing. Whatever you do, don’t stop reading, as constantly updating yourself on the ever-changing nature of the blockchain industry is going to become an important part of staying at the top of the marketplace. 

Companies which use blockchain will find it takes less time than ever before to recruit employees, that their candidates are more thoroughly vetted, and that they don’t have to pay for expensive recruiters. All of this will lead to blockchain services becoming more widely adapted in a diverse array of industries, much to the benefit of those companies which get a head start on embracing the technology now. 

Skills That Will Pay Off Forever

The act of learning is every bit as important as what you learn. Believing that you can improve yourself and do things in the future that are beyond your current possibilities is exciting and fulfilling.

Still, your time is finite, and you should dedicate yourself to learning skills that will yield the greatest benefit. There are seven skills that I believe fit the bill because they never stop paying dividends. These are the skills that deliver the biggest payoff, both in terms of what they teach you and their tendency to keep the learning alive.

Knowing when to stay quiet

Image result for shhh at work

Sure, it can feel so good to unload on somebody and let them know what you really think, but that good feeling is temporary. What happens the next day, the next week, or the next year? It’s human nature to want to prove that you’re right, but it’s rarely effective. In conflict, unchecked emotion makes you dig your heels in and fight the kind of battle that can leave you and the relationship severely damaged. When you read and respond to your emotions, you’re able to choose your battles wisely and only stand your ground when the time is right. The vast majority of the time, that means biting your tongue.

Emotional intelligence (EQ)

EQ is the “something” in each of us that is a bit intangible. It affects how we manage behavior, navigate social complexities, and make personal decisions that achieve positive results. EQ is your ability to recognize and understand emotions in yourself and others and your ability to use this awareness to manage your behavior and relationships. Decades of research now point to emotional intelligence as the critical factor that sets star performers apart from the rest of the pack. It’s a powerful way to focus your energy in one direction, with tremendous results.

TalentSmart tested EQ alongside 33 other important workplace skills and found that EQ is the strongest predictor of performance, explaining a full 58% of success in all types of jobs. Of all the people we’ve studied at work, we’ve found that 90% of top performers are also high in EQ. On the flip side, just 20% of bottom performers are high in EQ. You can be a top performer without EQ, but the chances are slim. Naturally, people with a high degree of EQ make more money, an average of $29,000 more per year than people with a low degree of emotional intelligence. The link between EQ and earnings is so direct that every point increase in EQ adds $1,300 to an annual salary. Increasing your EQ won’t just pad your bank account, it’ll make you happier and less stressed as well.

Time management

One of the biggest things that gets in the way of effective time management is the “tyranny of the urgent.” This refers to the tendency of little things that have to be done right now to get in the way of what really matters. When you succumb to it, you spend so much time putting out fires that you never get any real work done. How many times have you left work at the end of the day, only to realize that you didn’t move the important things along even one inch? Learning to manage your time effectively frees you up to perform at your absolute highest level, and it does so every single day of your life.


This one should be easy. If we’re not talking, we’re listening, right? Well, not exactly. A lot of times, we think we’re listening, but we’re actually planning what we’re going to say next. True listening means focusing solely on what the other person is saying. It’s about understanding, not rebuttal or input. Learning how to suspend judgment and focus on understanding the other person’s input is one of the most important skills you can develop.

Listening is a bit like intelligence—most everyone thinks they’re above average (even though that’s impossible). A study at Wright State University surveyed more than 8,000 people from different verticals, and almost all rated themselves as listening as well as or better than their co-workers. We know intuitively that many of them were wrong.

There’s so much talking happening at work that opportunities to listen abound. We talk to provide feedback, explain instructions, and communicate deadlines. Beyond the spoken words, there’s invaluable information to be deciphered through tone of voice, body language, and what isn’t said. In other words, failing to keep your ears (and eyes) open could leave you out of the game.

Saying “no.”

Research conducted at the University of California, San Francisco, showed that the more difficulty that you have saying no, the more likely you are to experience stress, burnout, and even depression. Saying no is indeed a major challenge for many people. No is a powerful word that you should not be afraid to wield. When it’s time to say no, avoid phrases such as I don’t think I can or I’m not certain. Saying no to a new commitment honors your existing commitments and gives you the opportunity to successfully fulfill them. When you learn to say no, you free yourself from unnecessary constraints and free up your time and energy for the important things in life.

Getting high-quality sleep

We’ve always known that quality sleep is good for your brain, but recent research from the University of Rochester demonstrated exactly how so. The study found that when you sleep, your brain removes toxic proteins, which are by-products of neural activity when you’re awake, from its neurons. The catch here is that your brain can only adequately remove these toxic proteins when you have sufficient quality sleep. When you don’t get high-quality deep sleep, the toxic proteins remain in your brain cells, wreaking havoc and ultimately impairing your ability to think—something no amount of caffeine can fix. This slows your ability to process information and solve problems, kills your creativity, and increases your emotional reactivity. Learning to get high-quality sleep on a regular basis is a difficult skill to master, but it pays massive dividends the next day.

Staying positive

We’ve all received the well-meaning advice to “stay positive.” The greater the challenge, the more this glass-half-full wisdom can come across as Pollyannaish and unrealistic. It’s hard to find the motivation to focus on the positive when positivity seems like nothing more than wishful thinking. The real obstacle to positivity is that our brains are hard-wired to look for and focus on threats. This survival mechanism served humankind well, back when we were hunters and gatherers and living each day with the very real threat of being killed by someone or something in our immediate surroundings.

Today, this mechanism breeds pessimism and negativity through the mind’s tendency to wander until it finds a threat. These “threats” magnify the perceived likelihood that things are going—and/or are going to go—poorly. When the threat is real and lurking in the bushes down the path, this mechanism serves you well. When the threat is imagined and you spend two months convinced that the project you’re working on is going to flop, this mechanism leaves you with a soured view of reality that wreaks havoc in your life. Maintaining positivity is a daily challenge that requires focus and attention. You must be intentional about staying positive if you’re going to overcome the brain’s tendency to focus on threats.