Today we celebrate 8th anniversary of our company. We will use this opportunity to share with you our great achievements during years. Our mission won’t stop, great things are about to happen in coming years! The Headhunter is growing each day! Don’t hesitate, follow us and follow your dreams.
Author: TheHeadhunter
The economies haven’t started up yet, why are our clients headhunting already?
The Headhunter CEO
While the world’s economies are still waiting to start recovery, after an abrupt stop caused by the pandemic which left many companies bankrupt and millions without jobs, several of our clients contacted us to start headhunting for them.
We thought at first that this was just by chance, or that it was connected to an industry that wasn’t affected, after all, who was hiring at present time, but this wasn’t the case. And then we started hearing about similar things from other headhunters and within industries that were affected by the pandemic.
I managed to arrange several conference calls with some of our clients that had headhunting requests, and just to make sure that this wasn’t some isolated case I spoke to our clients from New York, Tirana and Sarajevo. I was lucky that The Headhunter Group operates in a dozen countries, so it wasn’t hard for me to get a more global picture of what was happening in the markets. After just a few conversations, it became clearer why some companies were looking for employees even though they were posting losses and not hiring since mid-March.
“We’re not taking anyone in the next couple of weeks, but when this dies down, we want the best possible candidates ready to start quickly” – said a manager of mid-sized company from Sarajevo to me. Quite similar explanations were given to me by other clients. They suffered losses, some minor, some quite significant losses. But they understood that very soon the economy will be picking up, and when it does, they wanted to be ready, and ahead of their competitors.
The more I thought about it from their perspective, to more apparent it became, though we are living through very difficult times, very soon we will be up and running, and opportunities in the market will be incredible for both employers and employees. Those millions that were left without jobs in the past two months will be looking for new jobs, and the same will happen with those employers that were forced to let them go.
In the next couple of years, we will witness an extraordinary movement in the employment markets. Millions will change jobs, and quicker than ever before in history. Candidates will look for new and better employment opportunities, try new things, get qualifications for different jobs, while employers will look to find new candidates to fill the positions that will open up as soon as companies are up and running. And in this very near future, the companies that have started to recruit already, will have an enormous advantage over their competition.
Should you create an internship program?
Internship programs are generally attractive to employers because they offer a way to bring in fresh perspectives, create a pipeline for new hires and provide mentorship opportunities for existing employees. Either way, To attract quality candidates, internship programs must be well-planned. For many prospective candidates, this means the programs are engaging, provide real-world experience and deliver a paycheck, even if interns are paid just minimum wage.
Before launching an internship program you need to know that:
- 1. You’re training tomorrow’s Workers,
- 2. You’re assigning them real work.
- 3. You need to know that money counts, too.
- 4. You will be building consensus
- 5. You have to be measuring success.
Point 1. Means that you can use internship programs as a trial run for employers and interns to discern whether they’re a good fit. Point 2. Means considering that one major goal of an internship program is to prepare interns for the rigors of the working world. Point 3. Means that one of the ways of making interns feel valued is paying them. Point 4. Means that to ensure the success of internship programs, HR professionals need to get full buy-in from the rest of their organization. Point 5. means creating straightforward, consistent measurements of your interns success.
In the end, what’s important is that the intern walks away feeling good about your company. Because interns are a really good advertising tool, they can recommend you to their friends. This way you will be benefiting both your interns and your organization!
Quick iPhone Tricks for Busy Professionals
It’s the little things that make your life that much easier. Like having the commuter train pull into your station just as you get to the platform. Or your boss canceling that weekly meeting so you have more time to finish up a project. Or your inbox being clear all afternoon, to your unexpected delight.
Which is why you can’t help but be drawn to any sort of hack that can make things just a bit more efficient or effective.
I’m here to help, starting with your iPhone. Turns out, there are probably a lot of quick tips and tricks to this device you didn’t even know about that could help you both on the job and outside of it. Here are seven of my favorites.
Create Settings Shortcuts in Your Control Center
First off, if you’re not sure what the “Control Center” is, it’s the screen you swipe up and go to when you need to turn on your flashlight or switch your phone to airplane mode. It’s basically your shortcut to easily turning on and off your most often-used features.
And you can customize it to make your life a breeze! Just tap “Settings,” then “Control Center,” and then “Customize Controls.” The top section will display the features you currently have in your shortcuts and can remove (if you don’t use them frequently). The bottom section will display the features not in your Control Center that you can add, such as a magnifying glass to zoom in on reading materials, a QR code reader, a screen recording button, and more.
Capture Multiple Versions of Your Photos
Are you in charge of capturing footage for a new client marketing campaign? Or is it your duty to Tweet live updates of your company’s networking event? Or were you unlucky enough to be picked to be the resident shutterbug at the office holiday party? And do you have to do all these things without any tools but your iPhone?
No worries! Simply turn on the “Live Photo” feature in your Camera app (it’s the circle in the top center of the app). Now, new snapshots will contain multiple separate versions to choose from (which you’ll be able to access in the Photos app when you select “Edit”). This way, you’re guaranteed to get a shot where no one’s blinking and everything looks in tip-top shape.
Mark Up and Annotate Your Photos
Maybe you’re trying to pass along some ideas to your designer for a poster you’re creating, or you need to relay important changes to a document to a freelance writer, or you have to pass along some quick updates to a presentation to your boss—all while traveling without access to a computer.
All you have to do is use the “Markup” option in your Photos app to complete these tasks (you can access it by clicking the icon with three dots when you choose “Edit”). You’ll have the ability to draw on and annotate any photo or screenshot you save on your phone, making it super easy to visually represent your thoughts and suggestions on the go.
Scan and Save Your Receipts and Documents Digitally
I don’t know about you, but I have a lot of trouble keeping track of all those scattered, dog-eared receipts for my expense reports.
No longer! You can use the Notes app to scan them and save a digital copy, so you don’t need to worry about holding on to the paper slips. To do this, open a new or existing note, tap the plus sign, and follow the instructions to scan documents.
Undo Accidentally Deleted Text
You just spent 20 minutes carefully composing a fabulous email. Just as you’re about to press send to your boss, all the text suddenly disappears. Staring at the blank page your heart sinks, knowing that you have to try and reconstruct the entire thing.
Not so fast! Simply shake your device, tap “undo,” and the text will be restored.
Read Articles Later, Offline
Question: What’s worse than a five-hour flight to one of your company’s job sites in the middle of nowhere?
Answer: A five-hour flight with no Internet access.
But with a little preparation, you can save your web content to read offline and get your work done during your flight. Open Safari, find an article to read, and then tap “Share.” Next, choose “Add to Reading List”and your article will be saved to your device. To retrieve your article on the plane and elsewhere, just hit the Bookmark icon.
Change Your Flashlight’s Brightness
It’s bad enough that you have to access your iPhone’s flashlight at a client dinner meeting because you can’t read the menu by candlelight. What makes it worse is having it be so bright that everyone in the restaurant looks over.
The good news is that, in the Control Center, you can simply press down on the flashlight icon (slightly harder than your normal tap) to modulate the brightness. Problem solved!
How to Work Faster?
We’ve become conditioned to think that working hard merely means working long hours. But does it matter how much you work if you don’t deliver great results? Most of us have heard the cliché “work smarter, not harder,” but we often do little to heed its wisdom.
Working smarter means getting the best results with the least amount of wasted time and energy. It requires stepping back to think through how we work, not just how much work we do or how many hours we log doing it. If you work efficiently for the same number of hours you’re working now, how much more could you accomplish? Try implementing these five techniques and see.
Prioritize Tasks
Prioritize work projects based on the amount of work involved as well as the scheduled due dates. Allow a sufficient amount of time for each project, but set a timer for yourself as a challenge to get the work done faster. Don’t jump back and forth between tasks. Focus on one at a time, using a productivity technique known as “chunking,” and allow yourself to be absorbed in doing good work. When the timer goes off, take a break and switch gears onto a different kind of task to keep yourself engaged.
Keep a Clean Workspace
If you want to work faster, it’s helpful to have everything accessible and organized. The more time you hunt through files—or worse, piles on your desk—the more distracted you become. A clean workspace helps clear your mind, too. Keep your desk in order and your computer desktop clutter-free so you can get right to the task at hand. Spend a little time each day putting your work away and cleaning up, so your workspace is ready for your best work when you return.
Minimize Distractions
When working on projects, try to minimize any distractions. Lower the ringer on your cell phone and store it away from view. Turn off any other noise, such as television programs, or any music that doesn’t help you focus on your work. Establish expectations with your co-workers and shut your door to avoid disturbances. Don’t avoid socializing with your colleagues, but keep it to break times so you’re not bouncing in and out of work mode.
Avoid Busywork
It’s easy to gravitate toward tasks you can quickly check off the list. Especially when you spend the whole day feeling distracted and unproductive, knocking out some mindless busywork sounds pretty nice. But often those tasks aren’t helping you deliver good results. Set a limited time each day to check off any necessary busywork, but save your best hours for your most important tasks.
Break up Big Projects
A major project can seem too overwhelming to tackle. You keep pushing it to the bottom of the pile, even though you know it’s important. Instead of avoiding it, try breaking that big project into a series of small tasks. Choose a few to complete during the week and plan those into your work. The feeling that you’re making progress toward a big goal will inspire you in your other tasks.
Smart Work
When it comes to working productively, the degree of effort you put into a project does not always mean a quality product will result. If tasks take too long because you’re tired, distracted, or disorganized, it’s a clear sign you’re working too hard.
To be an efficient and productive worker means prioritizing your work and allowing sufficient time to do it correctly. Practicing good work habits will ensure positive, consistent results. The most important step you can take toward working more efficiently is to make a plan that you can follow each day.
Telling Your Co-workers You’re Job Searching
Looking for a new job is stressful and, frequently, frustrating, so it’s not surprising that you’re looking for people to commiserate with. And your current co-workers, the ones who know the good, the bad, and the ugly about your workplace, can seem like the ideal choice: They already understand why you might want to leave your job and they’re in the same industry—maybe they have leads!
But should you really tell your colleagues you’re job searching?
There are a few things you need to consider before spilling about your job search—including what kind of relationship you have with your co-workers, what your boss is like, and whether the potential benefits outweigh the risks. Sometimes it’s fine to share, but more often it’s dangerous. What’s certain is that it’s not a decision to be taken lightly.
Here are five questions you should ask yourself to help you decide if and when to tell which co-workers that you’re applying for other gigs.
How Much Do You Trust Them?
For the answer to this question, look to your history with your colleagues. Are they people with whom you’ve traded complaints in the past about everything from your managers to the healthcare plan to the quality of the toilet paper? And they haven’t shared that info with anyone?
If you truly know they can keep a secret, go ahead and dish (although don’t forget to tell them that the info isn’t public). It can sometimes be helpful to talk about job searching with someone who knows you well.
But if you’re not 110% sure that they can keep their mouths shut—if you have any doubts at all—it’s wiser not to share that you’re on the hunt for a new job. You don’t want them to spill the beans before you’re ready to leave.
Can They Help?
Your co-workers can be a gold mine of useful job search information: They have contacts at other companies, insider industry knowledge, recommendations for networking events, and other insights. As a bonus, they’re familiar with your work and know from firsthand experience that you’re a great co-worker (right?), so if they pass on your resume, you’re way ahead of the competition.
If there’s a tangible benefit to gain—and you’re absolutely sure you can trust them not to tell anyone else in the company—then go ahead.
But first, prepare your ask. Don’t drop a vague mention about how you’re looking for something new. Instead, set up a conversation where you tell them you’re interested in a new job, and ask specifically for what you want from them, whether that’s an email introduction to that friend they have at your dream company or insider info on what kind of qualifications a hiring manager they know loves to see.
If they can’t help in any way, though, you’re better off staying quiet at work. Find someone else to talk to—a friend, your partner, your mom, or a former co-worker (who could be as helpful as a current teammate but without the same level of risk).
Are You Definitely Ready to Leave?
The worst-case scenario here is that a co-worker confides in the boss that you’re looking for something else, either by accident or as a way to curry favor for themselves—and your boss reacts badly, either making your life miserable until you actually land a new job, or even pushing you out the door immediately.
So if you’ve got a concrete exit strategy with an end date in mind, and you’re out of there no matter what, the risk of sharing is much lower. But if you need to keep this job until you’ve applied and interviewed for new roles, found one that’s a fit on both sides, accepted an offer, and set a start date, it’s best to keep it under your hat. The enjoyment of sharing isn’t worth the possibility of getting the boot before you’re ready.
What’s Your Boss Like?
Some bosses expect their direct reports to deliver every bit of gossip from the office floor or at the very least share any information with them first. Employees who don’t fall in line could face repercussions.
This can mean your boss finding out about your search and preemptively firing you, or—if you don’t end up leaving—refusing to promote or invest in you because they still think you’re on your way out.
And what about your co-workers? Is your boss the type to hold it against them once you leave? Can you imagine your manager finding out your best work buddies knew all along and saying to them, “Why didn’t you tell me so-and-so was looking for a job?” If your boss would hold a grudge, keep them safe by staying silent.
Can the Information Really Help Someone Out?
Maybe your departure will mean a promotion for someone, or it will give them a chance to finally take on new responsibilities. If they had advance notice that you were leaving, could they position themselves to take over?
If you’re closing in on a new job and know that an extra week or two would really help a co-worker you like and trust—giving them time to redo their resume or prepare to make their case for a promotion—then it’s a kindness to give them a heads-up.
Still, if something goes wrong and you end up staying put, you could end up with a disappointed colleague who might be tempted to help you on your way out the door (with a hint to the boss that you’re trying to leave, for example). You’ll want to be almost 100% sure that the new job is really happening before you let them know.
It’s tempting to tell your co-workers about your job search—not only because they might be able to help, but because it’s a big change and it can feel like a relief to share something you’ve kept to yourself for a long time. There can definitely be some upsides, but in many cases the risk will outweigh any potential benefits. So think carefully and make sure you’re protected before you share.
Tips to Get Back to Work After Pandemic Ends
Ways To Protect Your Business During Coronavirus Outbreak
With the increasing number of cases due to the Coronavirus outbreak, it is important for businesses of every kind to take stock of the situation and follow government advisory to minimise loss and ensure the safety of their employees.
COVID-19 has disrupted the normalcy of life across the world. There is panic everywhere: at home, in the market, at work, and for business owners it becomes even more important to assure their team of their company’s commitment of taking care of them in such trying situations. It could be a simple assurance of salaries paid on time to providing healthcare support for anyone affected.
Just as you are taking safety measures to ensure this disease stays away from you, your business also needs a safety check to beat this virus. Here are some ways to protect your Business during Coronavirus outbreak –
1. Formulate A Plan
Due to the spread of COVID-19, many businesses have already put in place safety measures to protect their company and employees. On the other hand, some are revamping their emergency plan to include this new pandemic for the future. If there is no emergency plan in place, this is a good time to make one for today and the future.
An emergency plan not only outlines the steps a company will take in such times but also the measures to be undertaken for the protection of employees and businesses. It becomes the guide to follow and must include information such as measures to protect employees, emergency contacts, business operations and any deliverable measures.
2. Establish Work From Home Procedure
In normal circumstances, the Work from Home step up would not be considered but due to the Coronavirus pandemic, these are not normal times. Depending on your industry and business profile, you can try this approach to ensure critical work gets done without having your employees to commute to work. Set some rules around this process such as logging in at the right time, breaks, communication set up, etc will give a sense of professionalism between your employees and clients. Setting up video conferencing and morning meetings will ensure the day’s workload is set up and achieved by the end of the day.
3. Keep Updating Managers & Employees
Nobody likes to be left out of communication, especially during these trying times. The situation is constantly evolving due to the spread of the Coronavirus and its impact on businesses. As a business owner, you will have to keep the channels of communication open and keep updating your managers about any latest development on COVID-19 and its implications. Check the news for any government advisories and regulations related to coronavirus and update your line managers accordingly.
In such times, always make it a point to issue a memo, email or voice note to your employees too. This will make them feel assured as well as reduce panic in their minds. Ensure your managers are also doing the same. This will ensure transparency and common messaging, thereby eliminating any doubts from the minds of your employees.
4. Sanitise Your Workplace
With everything going on to ensure employee satisfaction and expectation, do take the time to fumigate and sanitise your workplace. Depending on your industry and servicing, there might be some employees required to make their presence at work. Establish standard operating procedures for cleanliness and sanitisation. Ensure work desk and floors are cleaned with disinfectants, stock up on hand sanitizers, issue directives and print outs suggesting washing hand techniques and using soap, make sure sick employees stay at home.
These are some of the safe bet options to protect your Business during Coronavirus outbreak. Following the above tips, businesses can position themselves to weather the storm caused by Coronavirus and ensure employees and clients remain safe and healthy.
Make Your Commute Much Better!
At some point during your daily commute, you have likely experienced all five stages of grief. And while traffic is inevitable, it’s important to remember that you’re not in this alone.
Your morning commute doesn’t have to be a never-ending sequence of white-knuckling your steering wheel or squeezing yourself onto a subway car full of human cattle. Here are a few ways to make your commute not only more bearable, but even enjoyable, whether you’re driving, biking, carpooling, or taking the train.
Drive Your Way to a Better You
Want to catch up on your reading while driving to work without causing a 20-car pileup? Podcasts and audiobooks make the morning and evening commute worth living. Audible has over 425,000 books for you to choose from—you could be driving in your car every second for the rest of your life, and you would never run out of books to listen to.
Your vessel isn’t just a 4-wheel chariot, it’s also a virtual classroom. Always wanted to learn another language, but never had the time? There are thousands of books that will help you get a leg up on all kinds of languages, whether you’re just starting out, or you want a refresher course for the French you took in high school.
Practice Self-Care on the Subway
One of the best things about taking the train to work is that you can let yourself go—just promise that you won’t take your shoes off.
Sure, if you have the elbow room, you could open your laptop and get some work done by catching up on email, but it’s also an excellent time to de-clutter your mind. Step up your self-care regimen by unplugging your brain and starting a meditation practice.
Geared for your mind and body, there are audio-guided fitness programs for meditation and working out. And while it might seem contradictory, there’s no better place for a guided meditation than a crowded commuter train—it’s the perfect head trip for winding down after a long day.
Carpool and Meet New People
What if there was a way to meet new people while driving to work AND accessing the glory that is the carpool lane? Sure, Waze can make your commute a little smoother by crowdsourcing your traffic trouble spots in real time, but you can also use their carpool app to find coworkers or other passengers to share a ride with.
Not only are you eliminating congestion from the highway, but you’re also likely getting to work faster while connecting with your fellow travelers. Plus, by taking other cars off the road, you’re producing less carbon and pollution, all while saving money on gas and tolls.
With your new rideshare pals in tow, you could create your own version of Cash Cab where the winner doesn’t have to contribute to gas for the week. Carpool Karaoke is also a great option, but you might want to make sure everyone can carry a tune first.
Use Those Feet
If you’re fortunate enough to live close to your office, ditch your wheels or the train for some running shoes or a road bike, even if it’s just a few times a week. Physical activity is proven to be beneficial for your mental health, and starting your day with a little fresh air is a great way to rid yourself of work-related stress.
Need some extra motivation? There are plenty of guided fitness programs for beginners, and we guarantee it’s significantly cheaper than a personal trainer.
If you’re worried about freshening up, leave some extra clothes and shoes in your office, and if you don’t have access to a company shower, store some deodorant and a dry shower product in your desk.
Chances are, you will spend more than a year of your life commuting to and from work, but this doesn’t have to be time wasted. Crack open an audiobook, find a little zen, and harness your inner calm while surrounded by your fellow travelers.
After all, it’s your time.
Proving Your Productivity When Working From Home
As a remote worker, it isn’t always easy to show that you’re productive and invested in your job.
It’s not that your colleagues or manager are trying to assume the worst about you, but when they don’t see you every day, they just don’t have a ready image of you hard at work. (And if they’ve never worked remotely much themselves, it may be hard for them to picture what it looks like in practice.)
The truth is it’s up to you to show your boss how dedicated and effective you are—even if you’re sitting on your couch instead of in a cubicle nearby them.
If you think your boss may be questioning how you spend your work-from-home hours, here are some strategies to prove your productivity.
Be Reliable and Responsive
In an office, your boss can see, plain and clear, that you’re working away at your desk all day. When you’re at home, you can send the same message by being responsive and available online.
This means that you should be attentive to your phone, email, and instant messages throughout the day and that when you receive a request from your boss you respond as soon as possible. You don’t have to drop everything and tackle their request right away, but do respond quickly with a realistic timeframe of when that task will be complete. Many times a simple response—“I’ve received your email and this will be complete within the hour”—works great. Then make sure you follow through on that deadline.
Keep Updates to a Minimum
That said, don’t go overboard on the communication front. While you may think constantly updating your boss on what you’re doing and how projects are coming along is a great way to show you’re working, don’t do this. After all, your manager hired you to make decisions and get your work done, and if you’ve been given the green light to work remotely, you’re being trusted to manage your own time. Sending your boss hourly emails is unnecessary—and may even cause them to lose confidence in your ability to get the job done on your own.
Instead, meet with your boss periodically to ensure you’ve set clear expectations for your work, with hard deliverables and deadlines, and then follow through on them. Sure, occasional updates are necessary, but in general, let the real work speak for itself.
Be Present When You Get Face Time
One of the easiest ways to impress your boss and coworkers is to be extra engaged when you do get a chance to interact with them—namely, on the phone or during video chat meetings.
While it’s tempting to multitask (by checking your email or responding to that IM), you’re better off focusing only on the meeting at hand. If you’re paying attention, you’ll be able to ask questions, contribute ideas, and pick up on important bits of information—all things that help show you’re an engaged member of the team.
Also, try to “arrive” at meetings a few minutes early, as it’ll give you the chance to participate in the organic conversations that typically take place in person. This is your chance to ask what your colleagues are working on and share updates on all the work you’re doing, too. Plus, if you work remotely full time, the more your team gets to know you as a real person on the other end of that call or video chat, the more likely they are to give you the benefit of the doubt.
Don’t Pick Up Extra Tasks Just to Create Visibility
Offering to help with extra projects might seem like a great idea—you’re so productive that you have time to take on tons of extra work! But putting unnecessary tasks between you and your key goals may take away from your success. Best-case scenario, you may get everything done, but it may not be your best work. Worst-case scenario, you won’t be able to finish everything and your boss will begin to question your ability to see projects through.
Again, you’re being trusted to manage your time wisely, so be very selective about extra tasks and responsibilities you take on. If you really want to get involved with a project that’s outside the realm of your job, go for it, but talk to your boss about how you might adjust your workload to make room for it.
Proving your productivity when your boss can’t see you isn’t easy. But if you focus on deliverables, make yourself available and present, and work to build a relationship with your boss and coworkers, no one will question your productivity or commitment to getting the job done.
How Teamwork Makes the Dream Work?
Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision. The ability to direct individual accomplishments toward organizational objectives. It is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results.” – Andrew Carnegie
Without co-operation real success is impossible. We can only do so much by ourselves. By channeling efforts, talents and resources of other people, we can not only succeed faster and easier but also help them utilize their God given abilities. Only by doing so can we become all that we can be in this life which is very short in reality.
Gandhi could not have accomplished the feat he did without the cooperation of millions of Indians. Christianity would not be growing in the speed it is if its believers would not continue to expand the ministry. Napoleon could not have conquered and won so many victories without the help of his so many soldiers. Roosevelt would not have been able to get America out of depression if he didn’t have cooperation of so many Americans, both parties and the Media.
There’s a saying “Team Work Makes a Dream Work” which is essentially true because one is a very small number for greatness. Every great enterprise has begun at least with a team of 2 people. Bill Gates and Paul Allen founded Microsoft, Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak led to the founding of Apple, 5 talented musicians led to the formation of The Beatles and the story goes on and on. Bo Schembechler says when your team is winning, be ready to be tough, because winning can make you soft. On the other hand, when your team is losing, stick by them. Keep believing.
Generals like Julius Caesar won their victories attained the pinnacle of power and success by rousing and energizing their followers while recruiting many more at the same time. Napoleon had millions who were ready to go to the battlefield and die for him at any moment. We cannot expect any great success without the helping hands and minds of other people. Bigger the enterprise to be carried out, there is a need of a bigger team.
However, the ability to get a lot of people to work together is an extraordinary quality which if mastered is extremely beneficial. Coaches like Vince Lombardi had the ability to cause an ordinary team to become an extra-ordinary team, which attained success unparalleled before in the history of the football games. Similarly, Hitler got the entire country to do what he wanted done within a few short years. If Hitler’s purpose were constructive, the world would have benefited a lot from it.
A true leader is supposed to help his people become better as the time goes by. Thus, a leader needs to be a person of high quality and character who is not swayed by ordinary desires and emotions and can stand alone on his feet if need be. An absolute conviction in the part of the leader is of utmost necessity. With absolute conviction, even demagogues have won the hearts and minds of many people. Rulers like Hitler and Mussolini used their leadership that ultimately caused their own destruction, including the destruction of their nation and people.
A good leader must be continuously learning the best way to lead his people. A good leader also must be tapped on to somebody and getting counseling from someone who is ahead of him in life so that he can be of greater benefit to his people. Leaders are people with visions and after they are clear about their visions, they go out and find people to accomplish their vision.
Roosevelt was an exemplary leader who took America out of depression and contributed to the beginning of a new era. A man of tremendous vision, Roosevelt was able to bring both parties into working together for the first time in the entire history of the United States. This mastermind that he created was the only reason why the devastating recession was wiped out of the face of America. With his knack in dealing with people, Roosevelt created a power that is unparalleled. A good leader will always find enough people to accomplish his vision.
Leaders are people of magnetic personality. The words and thoughts they express are always positive. They always have people around them.
History is replete with individuals who have accomplished feats unimaginable by causing people to team-up in the direction of their causes. One strong believer is all that is needed to create a mass that can accomplish the impossible. A winning team is an ultimate goal of the team leader. The spirit of the team works as a single individual and when that happens nothing is impossible. There is a tremendous power in unity.
A husband-wife team if good can create a great marriage, but if the team work does not turn out good, the entire family can get devastated. Divorces, single parenting and lawsuits that are seen in the present society are mere consequences of not being able to work as a team within the marriage. Thus, in every area of life, there is a need of better team work. Similarly, in politics better team work will create better government activities irrespective of which party is in power.
Organizations like United Nations, European Union, and NATO were established with a desire between statesmen of different countries to work together not only during the time of crisis but also during the time of peace for mutual prosperity and well-being. Alliances like this have made the world a better place to live. Even the underdeveloped countries are benefiting from alliances like this in the economic areas. Thus, teamwork is an indispensable need among people who are looking to do or become something.