
How and When to Say Thank You for Your Time

Knowing when and how to thank someone for the time they spend helping you advance your career is a sign of good manners and professionalism. When someone shares some of their time with you, it’s important to acknowledge that and thank them for it. Saying thank you in the right way and with the right words can help you build relationships with others that benefit your career.

Write a letter, handwritten note, or email to say thank you for your time because time is a valuable resource and people are busy. When someone shares their time with you, it’s important to acknowledge that and thank them for it. Consider these scenarios where knowing how to thank someone for their time is a valuable skill:

When You Get the Job Interview

Saying thank you for the time a hiring manager spends with you acknowledges that hiring people can be a slow process. By the time you get to the interview, the hiring manager has probably spent many hours reviewing applications, looking for the best candidate. When you send a follow-up thank you for your time email or letter, you acknowledge that. However, you can use the thank you letter for more than showing gratitude. The letter also gives you another chance to stand out from other applicants and to let the hiring manager know that you are still interested after the interview.

When you write to say thanks again for your time after a job interview, here are a few phrases to consider.

  • Thank you for the time you spent with me in the interview for the position.
  • I appreciate your taking the time to interview me for the position.
  • Thank you for the time you took to tell me more about the position.

When someone gives you a lead on an available job

If a friend or acquaintance hears about an available position and they take the time to let you know about it, that is worth the time to send a thank you for your time email or note. After all, it took time for your friend to learn enough about the position to think you would be a good fit. Then it took more time to relay that information to you. Knowing how to thank someone shows your gratitude for the efforts.

Here are a few good phrases for offering thanks in this situation.

  • Thank you for the time you spent researching that job opportunity and sharing it with me.
  • Thank you for keeping me in mind and letting me know about the opportunity.
  • Thank you for remembering me and my job search when you heard about the available job.

When someone serves as your reference or gives you a recommendation

When people agree to serve as a reference for you in your job search, they are agreeing to take the phone calls, respond to emails, or complete online reference forms. All of these tasks take time. Whether or not you get the job, a message to say thank you for the time is appropriate. You may also want to offer to do the same for them someday or offer your time in another way to show your appreciation. Here are a few ways to say thank you for the time you spent communicating with my potential employer.

  • I wanted to send this email thank you for your time; I know you are very busy.
  • Thank you for the time that you spent responding to the reference requests.
  • I appreciate your time in helping me move forward in my career by serving as a reference.

When someone gives you good career advice

Whether it’s a boss who tells you how to move up in the company or a friend who helps you make a career change, someone who takes the time to talk with you and give you good career advice deserves your appreciation. A quick note to say thanks again for your time lets your mentor know how much the career advice meant to you and how much it helped you. A letter or card is especially meaningful because the recipient can read it anytime they need a little boost. Here are a few ways to express your appreciation.

  • Thanks again for the time you spent sharing your knowledge of the company with me.
  • I appreciate your time you spent helping me learn from your experiences.
  • Thank you for taking the time to give me such good career development advice.

When you complete an internship

Companies that host interns deserve a thank you for the time they spend on the students they host. Internships are beneficial to help you learn more about a potential career field, but they require a great deal of time and attention from the host companies. Showing appreciation for the learning opportunity is not only polite, but it also makes you more memorable when a job opportunity comes up. Here are a few ways to say thank you for an internship opportunity.

  • Thank you for the time you spent with me during my internship.
  • I appreciate all the time and energy you put into the internship program at this company.
  • Thank you for hosting interns at this company and taking the time to teach the next generation of professionals in the field.
  • Thank you for the time you spend on offering this learning experience.