
Unveiling the Impact of Visa Liberalization on Kosovo’s Labor Market: A Comprehensive Study

In our continuous efforts to understand and navigate the evolving labor market dynamics in Kosovo, we at The Headhunter Karriera LLC, in collaboration with the students of “Pjeter Budi” College, have recently conducted a comprehensive survey. The focus of this research was to dig into the potential impact of visa liberalization on Kosovo’s job market.

Our study involved a diverse group of 1433 participants, representing various age groups, professions, and regions within Kosovo. The data collected provided us with great insights, revealing the perceptions, aspirations, and concerns of our respondents regarding the imminent visa liberalization.

Key findings from our research include:

• A significant majority of respondents (71%) reported having monthly incomes of over 800 Euros.

• Tourism is the primary reason for respondents’ planned travel to EU countries post-visa liberalization.

• Approximately 34% of respondents expressed their intention to travel to EU countries within the first three months following visa liberalization.

• 51% of participants reported no noticeable change in job opportunities since the visa liberalization announcement.

• Despite the potential for increased mobility, 66% of respondents have not considered seeking employment outside of Kosovo.

These findings represent the potential shifts and trends we might expect in Kosovo’s labor market following visa liberalization. However, they represent just the tip of the iceberg. For a more detailed understanding of our research, we invite you to download the full report below.

Our hope is that this study will serve as a valuable resource for governmental institutions, businesses of all sizes, and individuals alike. As Kosovo moves towards closer integration with the EU, it’s essential to understand and adapt to changes in the job market. Staying updated on labor market trends will help us succeed in this new chapter.

Stay tuned for more updates and insights from our team at The Headhunter Karriera LLC. Together, let’s shape a prosperous future for Kosovo’s labor market.

Download Report: Unveiling the Impact of Visa Liberalization on Kosovo’s Labor Market: A Comprehensive Study

Shkarkoni Raportin: Ndikimi i Liberalizimit të Vizave në Tregun e Punës në Kosovë: Studim Gjithëpërfshirës

Published: August 1, 2023