What does salary mapping do?
Salary mapping links the Salary Classification Categories through to the Job Position Types. This is done so an administrator can select the appropriate salary grading after a Job Position Types has been selected, ensuring that only the correct salary grading can be assigned to the correct Job Position Types for a Position Description or Advertisement.
What are Salary Classification Categories?
Salary Classification categories are the groups by which staff members are divided by their education levels.
What are Job Position Type Categories?
For every Position Description or advertisement, a Job Position Type category is assigned. These Types are determined by various factors, such as working conditions, education, salary, workloads, benefits and similar.
There are currently 3 Jobs Types: General, Academic, and Executive.
Can a Salary Classification Category be assigned to more than one Job Position Type Category?
It is possible for a Salary Classification to have more than one Job Position Type Category. This would be a rare case, but it may happen. If it does happen and a Salary Classification has been assigned to more than one Job Type, then the administrators, who are creating new Position Description and Advertisement, need to be particularly careful which classification level they are assigning when they use the system.