Shqiperia, Tirana
June 15, 2021Job Description
The Executive Director of People First Foundation (Tirana, ALBANIA) is responsible for the overall success of fulfilling the Foundation’s mission by providing leadership, overseeing the day-to-day operations strategic vision and operating excellence. Reporting directly to the Board of Directors, it is the ED’s responsibility to accomplish the objectives and goal while updating the board on daily operations and to ensure the mission of the organization is being fulfilled. Close cooperation with Dignity Global Foundation(New York, USA) Additional responsibilities and duties include but are not limited:
- Work collaboratively with the Board in formulating and implementing the strategic direction and goals while communicating regularly with the Board;
- Provide the leadership, communication, management skills and effective internal and external relations that provide transparency to the operations;
- Oversee day-to-day operations including organizing service day projects, managing volunteers, event budgets and logistics, and vendor relationships;
- Establish and adhere to organizational policies, best practices, and procedures.
Fund Distribution:
- Work in coordination with the Board to establish and communication grant making strategies and priorities;
- Oversee grant-making program and processes to include an application process, forms, timeline, and reporting requirements, and make appropriate changes as needed;
- Communicate with housing and community partners, and university staff regarding fund distribution and compliance follow-up impact reports;
- Develop and implement proper procedures to record Foundation distributions and handle documentation in accordance to auditors’ requirements.
Development and Fundraising:
- Identify and build relationships with organizations throughout Albania that align with the foundation’s mission;
- Identify, plan, and execute annual events to increase awareness and donor engagement;
- Maintain compliance with applicable internal regulations;
- Create stewardship plan aimed to recognize past and present donor gifts and track acknowledgments.
Public Relations:
- Act as a liaison and ambassador, maintain and create new relationships on behalf of the Foundation;
- Create and implement a marketing and communication plan to include strategies that will increase visibility and fundraising activities for the foundation;
- Serve as primary spokesperson and representative within the community, donors, and major event sponsors;
- Maintain updated website information and use social media to promote our work;
- Create articles for publication and newsletters, to create a frequent stream of positive communications regarding the activities of Results Foundation;
- Respond to all communication requests for general and specific information.
Experience and Qualification Requirements:
- Bachelor’s degree from a four-year accredited educational institution, preferred;
- Demonstrate understanding of charitable organizations, operations, and volunteer management;
- Experience in community relations and/or corporate foundations, development, and fundraising
- Excellent written communication and verbal presentation skills
- Ability to work independently, proactively, and collaborative within an organization
- An understanding of affordable housing issue
- Have a passion for connecting with the community to continue building on the work of Results Foundation.
Weekly Work Hours:
• 40 hours per week, with the possibility of changing based on demand
To Apply:
• Send cover letter, resume and salary requirements (within June 15th 2021) to:
Please be informed that only the candidates selected for the interviews shall be contacted. Name your CV in the following format (name [space] surname [space] CV). Be easily recognized!
*Të gjitha aplikimet do të trajtohen me konfidencialitet të plotë sipas ligjit Nr .9887 vendosur nga Kuvendi i Shqipërisë për “Mbrojtjen e të Dhënave Personale” i datës 10.03.2008.
*The personal information that you put in your application will be protected and used only for recruitment purposes, based on the applicable law on personal data protection Law No. 9887, dated 10.03.2008.
*Ai sensi del Codice in materia di protezione dei dati personali N.9887 del 10.03.2008, tutti i CV inviati alla nostra azienda sono trattati e conservati nella massima riservatezza.
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